'*1080p* KORA FITNESS IS HAVING A SALE!!! 50 % OFF. I am in love with the brand and I am so excited that I\'m a KORA.FITNESS brand ambassador for such a bomb company! Can\'t wait for ya\'ll to get your hands on these goodies! I got some merch and I\'m so pumped up about doing a Review and Try on Haul. Ekkkk! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Paired with an At Home Dumbell Only Hiit Upper Body Workout! Sheesh was this a challenge for me, but i kept pushing! Hope ya\'ll enjoy this workout and video
Tags: arms , bicep workout , Dumbbell , try on , try on haul , upper body , discount code , best activewear , upper body at home , fitness clothing haul , bicep exercise , at home upper body , KORA , Kora fitness , kora fitness review , yes oh yas , Kora Fitness ambassador , kora fitness ambassador reviews , claudiarose_xo , kora fitness leggings , kora fitness brand ambassador , eric aucoin , anna hise , upper body at home dumbbell workout , no machine workout , FABULOUS ARMS
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